• Mailing Address

    Belle Pointe Estates, 33228 W. 12 Mile Rd #294, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 48334

  • Email Address


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  • Contact Board of Directors


Block CaptainsEach street has two appointed captains who communicate regularly with the residents of their street about community events, concerns, and updates.

Beautification Committee – This committee oversees the beauty of our subdivision. They report to the board any concerns about issues related to maintaining a beautiful and clean subdivision so appropriate action can be taken. To promote a family environment this committee maintains the flowers and holiday decorations.

Communications Committee – This committee ensures communication within the community by publishing a newsletter, passing out fliers, maintaining the website, and updating the Facebook page.

Social Committee – This committee plans fun activities and events to bring our neighborhood together so we all get to know our neighbors and enjoy living in our shared community.

Neighborhood Watch – This committee works to maintain a safe neighborhood by communicating with the co-owners and Van Buren Twp. Police when an issue(s) arises and action is required. The committee also promotes a proactive neighborhood watch where home owners are encouraged to immediately call the BPE Board or the VBT Police (734) 699-8930 when a problem occurs. “See Something – Say Something”